Ok, I'm sure the worst part of this trip is going to be waiting in the airports. Especially in the Caracas airport, here there is nothing to eat! Everything is closed and there are absolutely no products in duty free! Therefore there is nothing to do! And well my parents decided to come in simply three hours before our flight. But oh well at least English saved me this time! My options for what to eat right now vary a lot, I could eat things such as; a MacDonald happy meal that costs 30 dollars or a burger king kids meal which costs 27 dollars. So if I had to choose one, I'd pick nothing because I don't enjoy fast food that much. I just discovered that about me though, I mean the friezes are good but the burgers are really bad. Ok, maybe they’re not HORIBLE but they just don't have the same taste as good spaghetti has or a meat and stuff. No offense to any of the junk food lovers out there. I think my opinion changed since we saw the movie "super-size me" in wellness. Just how he felt really made me think about junk food a whole other way. And sincerely the quality of fast food places has changed enormously these days. Before the burger was hot and smelled good and was perfectly made. Yummy, just remembering it makes me feel so hungry! Well I better go try to eat something now. Ill is sure to tell you guys how New York was on Wednesday!
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